
Questions From an Artist

I wrote this piece earlier this week....

I walked down the street to spot a woman scratching away in a book. She looked upset, so I asked her what held her thoughts.

   With her hopeless voice came,
 'One way...Are we all destined to go one way? Are we born just to fade to the mundane? Only....this way?'
   Why do we do so little while we're here, yet dream so big? Why do we do as others do?
    Do as they say?
    Do we continue a pitiful existence of sorrow, for all time?'
'Should we strive for our dreams?  Should we struggle for our passions?
 Try to catch them or dry as we ignore them?
Fight for them or fall with out them?
Accomplish them or Fail ourselves?'
As I pondered these questions, I received a final question from the forlorn artist. 'Is your Life the Masterpiece you wish to be remembered by?'

How would you reply?

So.....yea......it is very short and I'm not sure what this could technically be called...:3


Life is Crazy ;)

It's been a while since I've typed about life. Life is insane. My life is I suppose. :D
  Since I wrote last I had started Voice and piano lessons, I got together with a wonderful guy, and I've continued to write.
I finished 9th grade and I've started 10th grade with OHVA. I've drawn and drawn and drawn. I've reconnect with good friends that I lost contact with over the summer, and I've drawn some more.

I even broke my collar bone about 6 weeks ago, I've just escaped the confines of my sling. I am ecstatic that I can use my entire right arm again. :3 You never realize how much you use a non-moving bone such as the collarbone, and that messing a single part of yourself messes up the entirety of your person. I just want to thank my wonderfully amazing mother and Father who had been taking care of me and dealing with my wining, (Sorry about that)  I am so happy I'm all healed in time for the Cincy Comic Expo. :)

(Now you are caught up to the present)
  I made a pair of silver and black wings for the Comic expo this weekend. I am so excited :D :D :D Me and My Daddy went last year and I had such a great time last year,I've been counting down the days since Aug.
  I'll be dressed all steampunk-like just....you know moreso than las year. :3