

Christmas has come and gone looking like this

but today it looks like this!
    WOOT! SNOW!!


But.....I'm sick.....no snow for me.... Oh WELL,, It's still pretty outside. :3 :3




This is an odd piece and I'm not sure If I like it or not. The words we had to include are
Requirements,delivery,notarized,rescheduled,abd gerbil.


"Jackie!" A nasaly voice shouted. Jackie turned her silver hair falling behind her.   The voice belonged to her boss, Mr.Smith. He was a gerbil looking man. He had a pair of large eyes and a small nearly twitching nose. Behind him was a tall man with wavy sandy blond hair. His blue eyes sparkled and shone.

    "Hello Jackie," Mr.Smith said confidently, "I brought my nephew here for something important. Matt this is Miss Jackie."

     "Hello Jackie," Matt said his voice was a smooth as silk.He shook her hand and showed his perly white teeth.

    "Nice to meet you Matt. Now Mr.Smith,What do you need? I have to reachedule three deliveries."
       "Well I wanted to let you know that you fill all the requirements for--"

     "No." Jackie said, interrupting the man.

    "No? Do you know how many women would trip overthemselves to get to go out with me!?"

     "Two. Your mother and a woman intrested in your money and not you love." Jackie brushed a strand of silver hair behind her ear."Matt." She said as she wrote on a blank sheet of notebook paper. "Sign this." She handed him the paper, she watched as he wrote on it. "You just notarized that you were a witness to Mr.Smith's failure." She smiled softly as she turned back to the computer.

     The two men had left. Later Jackie had noticed a sticky note. Written on the note was a phone number and a message which said:

            Sorry about my crazy uncle, talk about it during lunch



Snow. Random entry

I am normally one to hate snow. I mean I HATE the cold. I hate cold weather beyond compare, but lately I've been wanting snow.

  It looks like this outside. All rainy and muddy. SERIOUSLY!? It is DECEMBERRR!!!! WHY IS THERE NO SNOW ON THE GROUND!?!?  Or even frost or ice or something!?

   I wish so much it will look like this outside by Christmas. I mean that looks like winter, looks like Christmas.  I wanna play out in the snow...


   Nevermind.I  just want snow. By Christmas.

OOHHH, kay...mmm....I think I'm done with my wierd rant-like thing here.

(None of these pictures are mine....Googled them ;D)



Xandar looked out the window and groaned loudly. Outside a thick level of snow covered the ground, icicles hung from the skeletal branches of the trees, and the wind blew stray flakes against his window.

    "What's wrong, big brother?" Xandar turned to see Christy sitting on his bed. Her curly red hair was messily falling in her face. 

     "It looks like Jack Frost visited last night," He said a yawn escaping his throat.

     "He did!?" Christy's blue-green eyes sparkled as she flew to the window. She clapped enthusiastically, "Oh my gosh, he did!" Xandar laughed as she ran from his room and darting into her own room. He ran his hand through his short blond hair as he heard a shout from his sister. "Xandar come on!! We're going outside!"

     Soon Xandar found himself outside. In the snow. Freezing his butt off. He looked to Christy. Her brilliant red hair flew behind her as she swung on the old tire swing. She was talking to no one.  Christy normally told stories of spirits and faeries.
    "Christy!" Xandar called, "You are too old for imaginary friends!!" Christy turned 13 years old about a month ago. Xandar started to complain to himself. "Stupid winter. Stupid snow. Stupid wind." As he spoke, a large mound of snow fell from the tree above him and landed right onto Xandar's face, "And stupid freaking Jack Frost for freaking nipping my face!" He shouted loudly.

    "That wasn't very nice," A voice said behind him. Xandar turned to see a boy. He had white hair streaked with blue stripes. He wore a white t-shirt, a denim vest and dark blue shorts. Frost covered his clothes and hair.
     "Who are you?"
          "Apparently stupid freaking Jack Frost." The boy smirked. Xandar looked up at the boy in disbelief- that's when he noticed the boy wasn't tall he was floating.
        "N-No....Jack F-frost...H-he's just a story."

         "Oh, really?" Jack stuck his face close to Xandar's, he then poked Xandar's nose with his cold finger. Xandar watched in awe as a large snow flake appeared on the tip of his nose.

         "H-how did you do t-that?" He studdered out as shivers racked his figure.

        Jack laughed loudly, as he proudl announced, "Because I'm awesome!"

        "Xandar, Why are you talking to yoursel?" Xandar looked at his sister then to Jack.
         Jack smiled sadly when he noticed the confusion on Xandar's face. "You have to believe in me to see me." Jack's eyes held sorrow and loneliness. The the pale boy grinned, "Lucky you!"
         Christy took Xandar's hand an pulled him toward the house. Xandar watched as Jack Frost flew into the sky laughing loudly as snow fell behind him.


Amazing!! :3

So I have been crazy busy again, Woo! :3

So get this, Friday I turned 16 years old...and I wasn't really planning anything ya know. I was thinking I'd go out with family and that sort of stuff. Then The night before my mom asked me if I wanted to go Christmas shopping And I said yea

So on Friday I have my outfit of stuff I had at home, when my mom walks in she tells me she didn't like it (I was so devastated!! >.<) so she took me into her room to chose between  a few outfits she had bought me for my birthday (Yea!!) .

  We went to this little place uptown and I got a complete make over! I got red highlights (I've been wanting highlights for years), and got my hair and makeup done really nice. (Thanks to a wonderful family friend!! ) :3 
                                                                (After picture  ^)

Then me and my mom went out to eat, next we went to my friend's dance studio (I thought I was going for a dance recital thing). We went inside and it was completely dark, and then the lights were turned on and there were tons of my friends!  It was amazing!

    Me and my Dad have a song we dance to it's called Butterfly kisses by Bob Carlisle. We danced to it at the father-daughter dances we had gone to since I was in 2nd grade. It has always been our song. There infront of everyone my Daddy gave me a beautiful necklace of a butterfly. Then we danced to our song, each of us trying not to cry. And yea I am a Daddy's girl, deal with it.

  My family and my friends parents (Close enough to be like a second family) Had gotten it all together, just for me. It was so awesome. It was like a dance party and everything it was so amazing. I felt so special seeing my friends there.  I had an amazing birthday! And I know I will remember all the people who wished me well and came to celebrate this amazing day with me.

   I also want to make a special thing here for my little brother,  who decided 14 years ago him and I will share this day together. He is always there for me and doesn't (For the most part) try to kill me. (no matter how annoying I get) I love you Frosty!! I love that we are so close and I don't wanna lose that, got it. ;)
